Why I Became A Professional Organizer + Coach
Jan 31, 2024
I had my first babe in 2017 and started to feel so overwhelmed with everything on my plate. As a perfectionist then, and a recovering perfectionist now, I really want to do things right. I want to look good to other people. I want to feel like my efforts are worthy of people's praise and love. It's a messy and emotional way to run your life. At this point in my life, I definitely felt my façade crumbling.
I was juggling full time work, being a new mom, church responsibilities, keeping a clean/tidy home, mealtime demands, and maintaining important relationships with my husband, friends, and family. I was struggling - mostly in silence. But when I had my first panic attack I felt completely out of control. I thought to myself "if this is what motherhood and my life will be like for the next 25 years… I'm going to hate it."
I started on Pinterest with life hacks. Which morphed into reading "The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up" and all the Netflix series that went along with it. I implemented as much as I could before joining the National Association of Productivity and Organizing (NAPO). I spent hours at the metaphorical feet of professional organizers and earned certifications in household management and residential organization.
I worked for a local company who does amazing work as professional organizers and decided in 2020 to start my own business. The more I applied what I learned to myself and my home, I realized that what I needed were more skills. I noticed our clients were also calling after a few months needing a "refresh" because they couldn't keep up systems that were set up for them -- no matter how simple. I realized it was because we came in and "fixed" all their problems without helping them change their mindset, skills, or habits.
So I wanted to understand the mindset blocks for myself and my clients around our clutter and keeping a tidy house. Why was it so hard to let go? Why was I so emotional about items? Why did I believe I needed to hold onto items "just in case"? Why did I think it was worth my time and energy to sell and get a measly $5 for some items rather than just donate them? Why was it hard to keep up on laundry and the house and the dishes? Why did I procrastinate? Why was it hard to divide chores at home or get my kids involved? Why did I seem to be the only one feeling overwhelmed about the mess?
If you have EVER asked yourself any of these questions, I'm right there with you and have spent the last eight years trying to hack my brain and understand. I've spent hours listening to podcasts, reading self-help and psychology books, minimalism books, organizing books, taking courses, and I am ready to share EVERYTHING that I am learning with you. Hopefully it can help you along your journey to answer those questions for yourself and make your home peaceful, intentional, simple, and stressless.
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