PERFECT is the ENEMY of the GOOD

minimize professional organizer Aug 06, 2024

Voltaire said that. "Perfect is the enemy of the good." Or is at least quoted as saying something along those lines. I've often been caught in this trap of needing perfection which has prevented me from enjoying the good. Has this also happened to you when it comes to taking control in your home?

You would think that the enemy of the good would be the bad right? But the true enemy is perfection. How has perfection prevented you from enjoying the good? Do any of these thoughts sound familiar?

  • I can't organize until I have money to buy the right bins that will fit here.
  • I can't get rid of this because I might need it someday.
  • I'll declutter my house when I have more time. Life is just too hectic right now.
  • This is too overwhelming.
  • I'm not sure where to put things.
  • Why do any of this when my kids or husband are going to come through + destroy it in 5 minutes?

Your brain is smart. It's trying to keep you alive with the smallest amount of effort possible. It wants you to stay comfortable + not push yourself too hard unless absolutely necessary.

These kinds of thoughts are your brain convincing you that everything needs to be perfect before you give minimizing + decluttering your attention. It's going to be work + it's going to take problem solving that your brain thinks is unnecessary. But in the time that you're waiting for everything to be perfect, you're actually missing out on the good.

So… Can you leave yourself the space to be wrong? Can you let yourself make mistakes? Can you let go of things you aren't using? Can you step into abundance? Can you allow yourself to make tweaks after you've already set up a system or routine? Can you allow yourself to do a project in small, imperfect chunks? Can you allow yourself to have hard conversations with your kids or husband about changing habits?

It doesn't need to be perfect for it to be good. Good enough. Perfect for this moment.

If so, here's some of "the good" you can experience before things are perfect:

  • Less time cleaning up or tidying
  • Less visual clutter + overstimulation
  • Less frustration + overwhelm
  • Less items to take care of
  • Less items on a to-do list running through your brain at all times
  • More time to enjoy with your family
  • More clarity
  • More order + structure

I promise you. Things don't have to be perfect for them to be good. Simple, imperfect action taking consistently will make a big difference. Start minimizing today + you'll see the positive effects. If it doesn't work, I want to hear all about it. Come tell me what happened + what you're feeling.

If you feel unsure about where to start or how to break it into small chunks, try my MINIMIZING MAP (linked here) that will break decluttering + minimizing down into simple steps, room by room, for your entire house. All you need is 15 minutes a day to make a difference. Don't believe me? try it.


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