You're right where you're meant to be. You're okay.
You have a voice within you that will tell you when it's time to give more + you can.
You have the power to create your own happiness + peace.
But those who know me well, call me Mark. I am a wife, mama, organizing expert, + coach.
I love to play + find joy in life. I can't sit still for too long. I love learning. I am an optimist. I give people the benefit of the doubt.
I want to create a life that I love living + see beauty in every stage. I want to feel contentment, not just pure happiness at every moment [which I don't believe is realistic].
I am getting better at creating space for people who see the world + act differently than I do.
But ultimately, I want to help people create their own happiness + peacefulness, whatever that looks like for them, even if it looks different than mine.

Growing up as a perfectionist, peace-keeping obliger, I kept a pretty good facade of perfection [or so I thought]. Then, my little babies entered my life. They brought the most beautiful chaos, but it was new chaos that I had no idea how to control.
I found more demands on my time + energy. I realized the way I once did things, no longer served me + my new little family. I searched Pinterest, desperately looking for hacks, tips, or tricks to make my life easier.
The more I studied, took courses, + learned, I realized I needed to control what I could (my time, my energy, + my environment) then be okay with letting go of the rest.
I practiced the skills I learned + my outlook on my life changed. Less panic attacks, less stress, + more quality time with my husband + babies. I wanted to help others experience a similar breakthrough.
I became an organizer, thinking I would go organize client's homes in one day with a huge team to take away all their pain + frustration.
But the more I worked on a team of organizers, I realized that our clients needed skills to do it themselves. So when chaos + stress happened again [because it would], + I wasn't there, they could have confidence in themselves to ask the hard questions then simplify + organize on their own.

"Markell is personally invested in helping others + I truly believe it's her calling in life.
If you need a coach, a cheerleader, a running back, she's the whole team."
Sara R.
"Every meeting with Markell is empowering. I would talk through roadblocks, she would ask questions to find the *actual* problem, + help me find a solution to progress forward."
Jesse M.