I want to help. This minimizing + organizing journey can be lonely + full of frustration.

Been there. Done that. I know.

You may feel like you're working hard but somehow you're still running on a hamster wheel + feel like you're not making progress.

If you're starting minimizing + organizing projects but not finishing because you get frustrated or stuck, coaching may be exactly what you need! I'll be by your side to talk you through roadblocks, help you clarify your goals, + hold you accountable to get things done.

In coaching, I'll take you through the 4 step process in my Stressless Living Workbook:

  • PRIORITIZE - Get HYPER-focused + clear on the areas you want to improve + why
  • MINIMIZE - Learn skills + work through roadblocks that hold you back from decluttering
  • ORGANIZE - Brainstorm creative solutions to use space effectively + efficiently
  • NORMALIZE - Create habits to maintain + keep systems running smoothly [or adjust when things aren't working]

Because coaching is so individual, book a free consultation to ask questions.

single area virtual coaching


like having a pro organizer in your pocket

  • Zoom call to talk about your area of frustration, family routines, + what success would look like
  • Stressless Living Workbook for 1 area
  • Unlimited Marco-Polo support for accountability + questions

4-hr power session


like having a pro organizer bestie for 4 hours

  • Intro meeting to discuss area of frustration, family routines, + what success would look like
  • Stressless Living Workbook
  • 4-hrs in home with me to work on a single project
  • Donation + trash removal at end of session**
  • Unlimited Marco-Polo support for accountability + questions

9 week 1:1 coaching


like having a pro organizer set up the flow of your entire home

  • Intro meeting to discuss top areas of frustration, family routines, + what success would look like
  • Stressless Living Workbook
  • 1-hr in home with me to work on projects for 9 weeks
  • Donation + trash removal at end of each session**
  • Unlimited Marco-Polo upport for accountability + questions



Fill out the form below + we'll chat about the best option!

You can also call or text Markell directly at (801) 913-4028

Remember, every conversation is all about you, what you need, + what you want to accomplish. The beauty of coaching is I'll never be pushy because the only way coaching is effective is if you want it + are ready to put in the work. So any call we have will be to explore options + will never be pushy.

My job is to help you come to conclusions about what you want to change + help you find your own steps to get there - with complete confidentiality.